ADA and Accessibility

Liberty Hall is a public entity subject to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA). Liberty Hall is reasonably accessible to disabled patrons as required by the ADA and applicable regulations. There is ramped, ground-floor box office, concessions, restroom and main theater floor access. Due to the historical nature of the building, it is impossible to provide access to the main theater balcony or to the little theater. Theater accessibility for Liberty Hall Cinema first-run film presentations can be made through contacting the box office. Please view Accessibility at Liberty Hall for more information.

You are responsible for making exhibits and event set-ups accessible to qualified individuals with a disability attending the event. You will not be permitted to make any structural or permanent changes to Liberty Hall. However, you will be responsible for providing temporary auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with a disability attending your event. "Qualified individuals with a disability" and "Auxiliary aids and services" shall have the meanings set forth in the ADA and applicable regulations.

Liberty Hall will help you find auxiliary aids and services to the best of our ability, although you remain ultimately responsible for identifying and contracting with such providers. If you fail to arrange for a reasonably requested temporary auxiliary aid or service, Liberty Hall shall have the right, but not the obligation, to provide or arrange for such temporary auxiliary aid or service and will transfer all costs to you.

Handicapped access into Liberty Hall is available via any of the front doors on Massachusetts St. Accessible restrooms are through the concessions area and down the ramp towards the little theater.